
Strengthening Suicide Prevention Efforts through Caring for the Caregivers: Interview with Johanna Louie | Episode 108

Strengthening Suicide Prevention Efforts through Caring for the Caregivers: Interview with Johanna Louie | Episode 108

Did you know?

More than half of all adults know someone who has fought suicidal intensity (Harris Poll). When it comes to caregiving - suicide is different. Ample research about caregiving stress exists, but often this is underestimated when the caregiving role is about suicide. Thus, there is a gap in awareness, support and resources.

Our guest, Johanna Louie and her co-founder Daniela Zanich sought to fill that gap with — free digital resources that put the needs of the caregiver at the center of the conversation.

How to Best Support Someone Living with a Mental Health Condition -- Interview with Kevin and Margaret Hines | Episode 5

How to Best Support Someone Living with a Mental Health Condition -- Interview with Kevin and Margaret Hines | Episode 5

Being a caregiver for someone living with a major mental health condition like bipolar disorder is not easy. Let's be honest, our mental healthcare system is challenging -- even when people are mentally well, let alone when they are in the grips of a mental health crisis. Friends and family are often the overlooked links in the chain of survival...