Leading through the Shadows — Leadership, Depression and the Perfectionist’s Paradox: Interview with Dr. Margaret Rutherford | Ep. 26

This episode covers the perfectionist's paradox in leadership.

In the relentless pursuit of perfection, leaders often find themselves entangled in a web of unattainable standards. The paradox of perfectionism, touted as a virtue, becomes a silent accomplice to the insidious clutches of depression. Unveiling the facade of flawless leadership, this podcast episode explores the hidden struggles beneath the polished exterior.

Leaders grappling with perfectionism may unknowingly fuel a cycle of self-doubt and despair. Aspiring for excellence is admirable, yet the fine line between ambition and obsession can lead to mental health pitfalls. Acknowledging imperfections becomes a strength, fostering resilience and authentic leadership. By embracing vulnerability, leaders can inspire not only success but also a compassionate workplace culture. In dismantling the perfectionist's paradox, true leadership emerges—forged in the crucible of self-acceptance, empathy, and the courage to be imperfect.

My guest today is Dr. Margaret Rutherford, a clinical psychologist and the author of “Perfectly Hidden Depression: How to Break Free from the Perfectionism That Masks Your Depression.” Her two actionable takeaways are:

  1. Reflect on the question, “Is your perfectionism constructive or destructive?”

  2. Get off the treadmill…

About Dr. Margaret Rutherford

Margaret Robinson Rutherford Ph.D., a clinical psychologist with thirty years of experience, is also an author, TedX speaker, and podcast host. Her book, Perfectly Hidden Depression: How to Break Free from the Perfectionism That Masks Your Depression has reached thousands here in the US, as well as having an international impact, with translations reaching from Korea to Italy, Turkey to Germany. Her highly popular podcast, The SelfWork Podcast, has been continuously rated as one of the best podcasts for mental health and depression.

Dr. Margaret is known for her vibrantly engaging and theoretically well-crafted presentations, whether live or virtual. Whether her diverse audiences are made up of mental health professionals, construction workers, or office managers, her passionate message is that healthy mental and emotional lives can be created by becoming more transparent with one another. Sharing who you are with those you trust is a huge step toward connection and good mental health. Rates of depression and suicide are skyrocketing. And there’s something we can do!

She’s further challenging the mental health profession to question their overreliance on the official symptom checklist for diagnosis. Instead, we need to create normalcy around suicidal feelings, listen to each person’s experience of their life, and respond with safety and compassion, rather than stigmatizing this very real and excruciatingly painful part of human existence.

Show Notes

About Dr. Margaret Rutherford

Website: https://drmargaretrutherford.com/

TEDx Talk “How to recognize perfectly hidden depression” https://youtu.be/lXZ5Bo5lafA?si=0S2kZBTl5jHy_wwv

Book: “Perfectly Hidden Depression: How to Break Free from the Perfectionism That Masks Your Depression” https://www.amazon.com/Perfectly-Hidden-Depression-Break-Perfectionism/dp/1684033586/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1701811059&sr=8-1

Podcast: “SelfWork Podcast” https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-selfwork-podcast/id1166015598

About Perfectionism, Depression, and Leadership

Gordon Flett: “When Good is Never Good Enough”

Brene Brown

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