Rory O'Connor

Global Perspectives on World Suicide Prevention -- A Glimpse inside the World Congress of Suicide Prevention: Interviews with World Congress Delegates | Episode 45

Global Perspectives on World Suicide Prevention -- A Glimpse inside the World Congress of Suicide Prevention: Interviews with World Congress Delegates | Episode 45

Over 855 delegates from 57 countries convened in Derry/Londonderry to share the science, stories and strategy of suicide prevention and suicide grief/trauma support. The theme of the conference was "Breaking Down Walls, Building Bridges" and the conference planners were exceptionally mindful about equity in their selection of speakers and content. The voices of people with lived experience were prevalent throughout and one of my favorite sessions was among prominent suicidologists and clinicians who shared their experiences with discrimination and prejudice within the field of suicide prevention. We also had an opportunity to honor the lives and service of two giants in our field who died way too soon -- Prof Allison Milner and Dr. Jan Mokkenstorm. Tune in to be inspired to be part of this international community pulling together to prevent suicide and alleviate suffering.

Working Together to Prevent Suicide --What the World Can Learn from One Another on #WSPD: Interview with Professor Rory O'Connor | Episode 43

Working Together to Prevent Suicide --What the World Can Learn from One Another on #WSPD: Interview with Professor Rory O'Connor | Episode 43

The World Health Organization has declared suicide prevention a global imperative. Every year World Suicide Prevention falls on September 10th. This year I interviewed Professor Rory O’Connor as he prepared for the 30th World Congress of Suicide Prevention in Derry, Northern Ireland.