occupational safety

SPECIAL EPISODE Work-Related Suicide -- An Occupational Health & Safety Perspective: Interview with Dr. LaMontagne & Dr. King | Ep 28

SPECIAL EPISODE Work-Related Suicide -- An Occupational Health & Safety Perspective: Interview with Dr. LaMontagne & Dr. King | Ep 28

A growing focus in the media, policy circles, and research is emerging on the correlation between work and suicide. Specifically, a growing body of robust evidence links various psychosocial working conditions and job stressors to suicide. Diverse perspectives exist on the current state of evidence concerning causality and intervention, as well as the most suitable policy and practice responses. In this podcast episode, I interview two global experts who share their views from an occupational health & safety (OH&S) standpoint concerning work-related suicide, with a primary emphasis on the potential for working conditions to serve as modifiable risk factors or protective elements in the context of suicide among the working population.

We define work-related suicide as a suicide death that is entirely or partially connected to work or working conditions. We also consider the working conditions of the individuals who died by suicide.

We discuss:

  • How is work-related suicide defined from an OH&S standpoint?

  • What are the potential work-related contributors to suicide?

Employee Engagement & Workplace Mental Health: Interview with Joaquin Diaz | Ep 4

Employee Engagement & Workplace Mental Health: Interview with Joaquin Diaz | Ep 4

Recruiting and retaining emerging talent is one of the biggest challenges facing employers today. Many try to sweeten the deal with higher salaries and impressive benefits, but one place that cannot be overlooked is the quality of mental health in a workplace. In this podcast, I interview Joaquin Diaz, the EHS Director for Skanska USA Building Inc. He shares their holistic approach to worker health and safety and the impact it has had on retention.

His top three tips for reducing resignation rates and cultivating workplace wellbeing:

  1. Change the conversation in your organization.

  2. Manage the flexibility needed to maintain a healthy workforce.

  3. Increase engagement about external and internal risk factors of mental health.